
Top 6 Warning Signs of Burnout for Working Moms

January 8, 2024

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More than 65% of working moms report these top 6 warning signs of burnout. Burnout doesn't discriminate; it affects parents, employees, leaders and individuals across all levels, positions, genders, and ages.

However, it's important to pay special attention to the experiences of working mothers. They often bear the brunt of balancing work and family responsibilities, leading to burnout if not properly managed.

The effects of burnout can be seen in personal, family, and work life and ultimately fuel a destructive cycle if not addressed. Want to know if you're on the path to burnout? You're in the right place!

Warning Signs of Burnout as a Working Mom

  1. Physical and Emotional Exhaustion: The most obvious sign of burnout is feeling physically and emotionally drained, even after a full night's sleep. When you are constantly fatigued, productivity and morale can decrease at home and work.
  2. Increased Irritability: Burnout can make even the most patient mom quick to anger and feel overstimulated. If you notice you yell or snap at your partner or kids more often, it can be due to unmanaged stress that has built up over time.
  3. Decreased Job Satisfaction: Employees who are experiencing burnout often report a significant drop in job satisfaction. You may lose interest in your work and struggle to find motivation, leading to a decline in overall performance, and can lead you to begin the search for a new job.
Working moms are tired
  1. Neglecting Self-Care: While all too common, neglecting self-care is at the top of the list for warning signs of burnout for working moms. You might skip meals, forego exercise, or not get enough sleep, all of which can exacerbate burnout. While it's hard to prioritize self-care as a busy working mom, it's very important to begin focusing on youself in order to keep your family, career, and relationships thriving. 
  2. Isolation and Withdrawal: Burnout can make you withdraw from social interactions at work or home. This withdrawal can lead to a sense of isolation and further contribute to feelings of loneliness. You may say "no" to activities that would benefit your overall mental health, stop answering phone calls, and decrease quality time with your kids and/or partner.
  3. Increased Absenteeism: Burnout often results in higher rates of absenteeism. You may take more sick days or vacation time as you struggle to cope with the demands of your job and family life.


You are not alone.


Use these steps to recovery from burnout:

  • Engage in mindfulness practices to calm your mind and body
  • Prioritize enjoyable activities to "fill your cup"
  • Set boundaries and say "no" to protect your emotional and mental boundaries when needed
  • Delegate tasks that other people can do (a task that doesn't need to be completed by you)

Burnout recovery is possible even through making small shifts that fit into your schedule. Want more detailed solutions to burnout recovery? Check back for the next article!

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